Starting GRASTEK

Although you may not be thinking about grass allergies or experiencing any grass allergy symptoms, the best time to start talking to your allergy specialist about GRASTEK is at least a few months before grass allergy season starts. Starting treatment early may give your body time to become less sensitive in preparation for the grass pollen season. Grass pollen season varies regionally. Talk to your allergy specialist to find out when you should start GRASTEK in your region.
When to start Grastek

Start GRASTEK at least 12 weeks before grass allergy season starts

Visit doctor to start Grastek

The first tablet of GRASTEK must be taken in the doctor’s office

Grastek for Kids

Remember kids should only take GRASTEK with adult supervison

How To Take Ragwitek
GRASTEK® Timothy Grass Pollen Allergen Extract Tablet for Sublingual Use

Not actual product


  • Take the tablet from the blister package with dry hands
  • Take the tablet immediately after removing it from the blister package.
  • GRASTEK dissolves quickly when placed under the tongue. After taking it, don’t swallow for at least 1 minute.
  • Do not take GRASTEK with food or beverage.
  • Do not eat or drink for 5 minutes after taking the tablet.
  • Wash hands after taking the tablet.

Your allergy specialist will also prescribe epinephrine

There are 2 dosing recommendations for GRASTEK:

Possible Side Effects